modded games offline

modded games offline

captions created by jacob davis(twitter @jacobdavis1992) i know a bunch of youfolks at home love playing first-person shooters onlineon the xbox one and the playstation 4. but, there's a select few of you that havesome hidden secrets, some in your living roomor in your bedroom. you're really embarrassed about don't tell your friends, you don't tell your family. of course, i'm talking aboutmodded controllers, little things like this that give you a slight advantageover everyone else that's playing these games online, because they offer just specific features that you can'tget on a regular controller set.

this thing here was sent in to meby controllerchaos. and, they gave me...a little...rerez logo...on it,which is nice. but this here is supposed to improve my game. but does it?let's find out. now, first off, when it comes to modded controllers,you're probably not gonna see these things usedin tournament play, because, well, they're really nottournament- or sportsman-like. they're kind of a cheater's tool. but they do offer some pretty basic functionality thatreally doesn't do anything like auto-aiming at people, but it does have some things that kinda give you a slightadvantage, and free up a couple of fingers,

if you ever really need that while playing a video game. basically, what these controllers do, are a ton of little tiny things that are trying to amp up your basic game. for instance, this controller here gives me the abilityto have faster reloads, rapid-fires, turbo melees, auto-sprint, quick scope, and just a whole bunch of other stuff that is just supposed to make you play a lotbetter when you're in some online scenario. now, personally, while testing out this controller,

i tested all the features offline, because i didn't really want to cheat with people online, but here's the thing: are these features really cheatable?are they really cheat-worthy? really,...i don't think they are. in many instances, a lot of the thing this controller doesare cool little additions, but they don't really do a hell of a lot for youronline gameplay, specifically rapid-fire. i mean, you could get the rapid-fire to work pretty quick,

but you could also just tap your fingers really fastas well, and it kinda gives you the same effect. i mean, i guess what this is gonna do isprevent you from tapping, and just hold down the button to shoot really quick, but i really don't enjoy that too much. i like to be on the same playing fieldas everyone else while playing. and even though i know there's some people onlinethat have these modified controllers and they don't know...say that they're using them, maybe i'm not really getting that levelplaying field that i want, but still, i just assume most peopledon't have these really expensive controllers.

for the ones that do, though, does it really benefit you that much? 'cause while i was playing with it, i kinda felt that it was holding me back a little. personally.but, that's just me. now, at first glance, this controller looks likejust a basic painted controller, and a whole bunch of companies onlineoffer that feature, including controllerchaos themselves, but if you get the "modded" package,

at the very bottom, you'll find four leds which are basically signifierswhen you've turned on some kind of feature, and right at the back, there's ahidden little button. when you hold that button down, and thenpush the [playstation] button in, you'll have a whole selection of featuresyou can modify, basically creating different layouts and just really changing the controller tohowever you want it to feel in your hands. but you see, that's why i found this controllerreally complex. it's not as easy as just clickinga button to turn on rapid fire;

you'll have to use some strange combinationof movements to make it work. for instance, for rapid fire, you'll have to click the back button, this front button, and then you'll have to hit another back button, and then *that* button, and then you'll have to hit the back button again and [l2] to adjust how fast the rapid fire goes. which is confusing, because when you're playinga game online with other people, you don't have time to think that way,you're just gonna have to shoot someone really quick. so, it becomes really hectic to remember all theselayouts and all these settings. in fact, this controller comes with a sheet

that you can just lay in front of yourself to see all the little button combinations you can have. i guess, after a while, you might memorize them but i'm not really good with memorization,so for me, the controller's extra functionality justdidn't work out for me at all. but maybe you're out there, and you know how toactually memorize that stuff, and it's easy for you, but for me, it just didn't seem worth it. i mean, if i was gonna play a gameonline with a bunch of people, then why do i need all these extra features? it just didn't do much for me.

the controller feels really good in your hands, because itessentially is just a ps4 controller with painted parts, and i really do appreciate the glossy coating on here, because i do remember, a while ago, we used to paintour own controllers with stupid things for stupid reasons, and i remember that after using those controllersfor a while, your hands would look like you'd just strangled a cartooncharacter, because you'd have colours all over yourself. but with this, it doesn't reallyfeel like that's gonna happen. kind of a neat feature, too, is that the rerez controller we had customized doesn't have any identifiers for any of the buttons.

so you have to know that that's [x],and that's [triangle], and that's [square], otherwise, well, you wouldn't knowwhat those things are, so if you're a novice coming into playstation 4s,you might not want to get that kind of modification. but, they just have a whole rangeof things you can set up, i think this is cool. i know what these buttons are,and i don't need them to tell me what they are, so, for me, it's just a nice littleglossy feature over the top. but that doesn't mean that the design of it is perfect. now, while the colour does look really cool, you can see that there's a gap just beneaththe rerez pad here,

and then, right on top, because you're trying to stuff allthose extra mods and things in here, the controller's shell isn't perfectly sealed. there's a noticable gapjust above the led light,which isn't that great, but, you know, they are trying to stuff a bunch ofmods into this controller, thinking that they needed the space insideto be a bit more open. personally, i would prefer no modded controller featuresin here, if i ever got another one of these things, and that way, it would probably seal the whole thing up. i don't know that for certain; i'm just assuming that'show the controller would work if you didn't have themod features in it.

i tested the controller out with a bunch of games, and it feels like a basic playstation 4 controller,so long as you don't use the mods. when you do use them, however,sometimes they don't work with some games, because, why would you want to use rapid fire ona game that doesn't need it? this controller is used mostly for first-person shootersand a few other games, but that's where i found the mostuse for it. and even then, i didn't like it too much.personally. i love the design of the thing... maybe because the rerez logo's on itjust a little bit,

but i like having a clean controllerwith two-tone colour schemes that don't have a bunch of symbols everywhere, especially when you already know where they, i like that. the mod features, however, i could easily leave behind. so, does the modified ps4 controller fromcontrollerchaos benefit me at all? no, it doesn't. this controller has a good lookand a great feel, but it doesn't do anything for me personallywhen playing games online. look, there'll be some players out therewho'll get some use out of this thing

because they can memorizeall the button inputs, but for me, it doesn't matter. it's not like this controller is auto-aiming atother people online, in fact, the only benefit for you is to simplify some movementsyou'd make on a controller. for instance, rapid fire, rapid reload, or just breathing when you use the sniper just does that automatically. which is really awesome. but, i kinda like doing those thingswhen playing a game,

because it gives you the feel ofhow a game plays. and to be honest, if you wanted to change those thingson, say, a pc, you could create macros and stuff like that. and while this controller has a lot ofsimilar capabilities, it doesn't do anything groundbreaking,other than giving you some easy-to-use features. so, for me, personally, i don't see myself using this controller, at least as amodified one, while playing games online. and, as far as the build quality goes, that gap is really, really big,

but it does work really well for what itsays on the box. i'm just not the kind of player to use it. but if you are,you might get a kick out of this thing. captions by jacob davis(twitter @jacobdavis1992)some text has been simplified.

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